22 February 2006

Old Wounds

Greetings once again from the not so dirty south. This morning I awoke to a present fo sorts in my inbox. Someone signed in using the name Lee Dunbar and commented on the post "Putting it to Bed", my last post on the Col. Boyington farse in Washington. I do indeed hope that it was in fact Mr. Dunbar as I feel this matter can be reopened and better understood. (I apologize for my mistrust, but since I've opened the floor to anyone I could be talking to a 90 year old woman from Turkmanistan calling herself "Lee Dunbar". Below you'll see the comment and I've prepared some questions/comments of my own. We'll reopen this one yet again to see if any light can be shed on the subject.

To see Mr. Dunbar and read a short bio click

Here are Mr. Dunbar's Comments:
"I co-sponsored this resolution, in no way did I bash Boyington. Anyway I find your analysis interesting.... "
And now me:

I’m glad you visited and commented. Can you shed any light on this situation from your end? Though I gather my news from several sources, most of whom I trust to be reasonably accurate, I always like to hear from those involved to help round out the picture. I guess my biggest question is this: (aside from the virulently liberal mindset inherent in modern academia) How do students on the college level fail to reconcile the realities of this world, the idea that wars of the nature of World War II are only a choice for those who start them, and those who choose to protect what they love are often forced to fight and kill to do so? Standing up for your freedom and that of your fellow countrymen is not a sin, or shame, or anything less than a heroic act. As you co-sponsored this resolution I may just be preaching to the choir here, but can you honestly condemn people for being angry about this whole fiasco? Let me caveat that statement by saying that I do not condone death threats or threats of violence of any kind against someone who is exercising free speech. I do, however, think that debate is essential to understanding and ignoring fact in favor of feeling is a dangerous path.

In the debate itself was there anything other than the (reported) venom from those students who so dutifully donated sound bites to the main stream media? Did they even recognize that Col. Boyington should be commended for his service? Did the unfortunate (and ignorant) girl who commented on monuments for “rich, white guys” even blush when she found out that Col. Boyington was of Native American descent?

I have to admit that as the information on this event was somewhat sparse I simply wrote it off as another left wing academic attempt at destroying American patriotism on a college campus.

Any light you can shed on this subject would be most appreciated. Again, thanks for stopping by.



Joubert said...

Did you see that Boortz is going to post an update on the Boyington story today?

Captain said...

OOh, no I hadn't, I've been knee deep in flow chart hell this morning. I'll have to check that out at lunch.
