10 June 2007


One of the facets of my new life is being a single "dad" to 6 defective critters (3 dogs, 3 cats). As I wasn't the animal expert before, I only paid casual attention to taking care of said heathens. My oldest, Doolie, is an Olde English Sheepdog and really a trip if you spend much time around him. The Alabama summers are a bit much for him to handle, so for the last few years he got shaved for a summer haircut. I thought it wouldn't be too bad, since I have a set of clippers here and he is extremely well behaved. I mean how hard could it be? I'd done it a few times with a 2nd person after all, so how bad could it turn out?

Let's just say grooming dogs is not a skill I should ever proclaim to have.

Between the clippers overheating and him getting impatient, he spent most of this last week walking around 1/2 shaved. Slightly more than 1/2, but that's not important. The first time the clippers got too hot, I had his head shaved and nothing else, so he had this bodybuilder thing going on (Little bitty head, great big body).

A few hours later, after 2 or 3 more sessions, the clippers ran down and I needed to get to bed. I really just didn't look to see where I stopped:

Yup, he's wearing furry pants! Oh well. I finished him a couple of days ago, though I promised at the end of my previous sad post I'd try to make you laugh. Hope it worked.

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